Annual Report
Protecting the Land and Water that Matter to You
Our mission is to conserve and restore the natural and cultural resources of the Chesapeake Bay watershed for the enjoyment, education and inspiration of this and future generations.
We are committed to diversity, equity, inclusion and justice
Protecting and restoring the Chesapeake Bay requires diversity in perspective and practice.
Our Vision
Our Vision
Our Vision
We believe the Chesapeake is a national treasure that should be healthy, accessible to everyone and its watershed a place where people and wildlife thrive.
Our Mission
Our Mission
Our Mission
To conserve and restore the natural and cultural resources of the Chesapeake Bay watershed for the enjoyment, education and inspiration of this and future generations.We serve as a catalyst for change, advancing strong public and private partnerships, developing and using new technology and empowering environmental stewardship. Our objective is to accelerate progress to conserve 30% of the Chesapeake watershed by 2030 by equitably connecting people to the Chesapeake while conserving and restoring priority lands and waters.
Our DEIJ Statement
DEIJ Statement
Our DEIJ Statement
Protecting and restoring the Chesapeake Bay requires diversity in perspective and practice. Chesapeake Conservancy understands that protecting and restoring the natural and cultural resources of the Chesapeake Bay watershed require intentional commitment to inclusive practices and narratives within the conservation movement. Through our work we celebrate and elevate the people, places and cultures of the region, especially by engaging underrepresented communities. Committing to the values of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice is critical to achieve our vision of a Chesapeake that is healthy, accessible to everyone and a place where people and wildlife thrive. To that end, we commit ourselves to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice both in our programmatic priorities and our internal organizational development through inclusive recruitment of staff and board members and fostering a diverse and inclusive culture.
What we do
We use technology to enhance the pace and quality of conservation, and we help build parks, trails and public access sites.
Connect people to the natural, cultural and recreational opportunities of the Chesapeake watershed – including its rivers, tributaries, landscapes and historic places.
Work with partners and leverage data-driven strategies to conserve 30% of the Chesapeake watershed’s lands by 2030 and the special places that are important to diverse communities, indigenous tribes and visitors and that preserve the Chesapeake watershed for this and future generations.
Expedite the Chesapeake watershed restoration effort by leveraging data-driven strategies and partnerships to meet regional habitat and water quality standards and provide their associated community benefits.
Infuse diversity-based policies and practices in our culture that are essential for the success of Chesapeake Conservancy’s mission.
Ensure adequate funding, staff, controls and proficiencies to remain the key partner for connecting, conserving and restoring land and water in the Chesapeake watershed.
2023 Board of Directors
2023 Chesapeake Council
2023 Chesapeake Conservancy Staff
“We worked with Chesapeake Conservancy to permanently protect our 82-acre farm in Jefferson County, West Virginia. We deeply appreciate the extensive knowledge, skills, and experience the Conservancy brings to protecting the entire Chesapeake Bay watershed and are very grateful for their support and guidance.”
- Brucie Moulton

Moulton Park
From left to right: Mark Moulton, David Moulton, Brucie Moulton, Christopher Huvos, Emma Huvos, Greg Faxon, Barbara Moulton and Tom Helm -- Photo by Virginia Johnston
Organizational Achievements Since Our Founding
Secured more than $42 million in federal funds (FY15-23) to protect more than 7,500 acres of land at national parks, wildlife refuges and forests in the Chesapeake watershed along with partners through the Land and Water Conservation Fund program
Chesapeake Conservancy is committed to conserving 30% of the Chesapeake by 2030. Today, 22% of the watershed is conserved. Together, with your support, we can reach the 30% goal.
Established the Conservation Innovation Center to empower the conservation community with access to the latest data and technology
In 2016, our team of geospatial analysts worked with partners to produce 1-meter-resolution land cover data for approximately 100,000 square miles of land in and surrounding the Chesapeake Bay watershed for the Chesapeake Bay Program. This data is open for all land conservation entities, large or small, to use to implement precision conservation. In 2022, for the first time, high-resolution change data became available for the Chesapeake as open data. This allows us to better understand what’s happening on the landscape and to do change detection and trend analysis. The significance of this cannot be understated. For those of us working to restore the Chesapeake, this is practically the James Webb Space Telescope moment. We continue to create tools for our partners to command the data and drive impressive change on the ground.
Through land conservation, restoration and empowering the conservation community with the latest data and technology, we are working everyday to slow climate change and help communities become more resilient.
Together with our partners, Chesapeake Conservancy's achievements include:
- Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network for 248 new access sites
- Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail (Chesapeake Trail)
- Mallows Bay–Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary
- Werowocomoco
- Antietam National Battlefield
- Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge
- Cedar Creek and Belle Grove National Historical Park
- Elktonia/Carr’s Beach Heritage Park
- Fort Monroe National Monument
- George Washington and Jefferson National Forests
- Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park
- James River National Wildlife Refuge
- Pissacoack
- Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge
- Creation and expansion of state and local parks
For more information, review this comprehensive list of our organization's achievements since our founding.
Your gift today
Supporting our work directly supports the Chesapeake you love
More than 18 million people call the Chesapeake home and have fallen in love with its awesome landscapes and rivers. So much so that thousands of acres of open space disappear each year. We are in a race against time to conserve, protect and restore what makes the Chesapeake so special before it is too late. Thank you for supporting our work. No amount is too small or too large to help us achieve great things together.
“When we are gone, what is going to do the most good? We have made a home with nature, we’ve enjoyed it. Now it is incumbent upon us to pass those treasures on to future generations.”
– Charles and Mary Dankmeyer, members of our Seven Generations Society who have left a planned gift for Chesapeake Conservancy in their will.
Learn more about making a planned gift through your estate.
Your tax-deductible contribution of any amount is truly appreciated. Our tax ID number is 26-2271377.

2023 Highlights
October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2023
Virtual Connections
Virtual Tours
While nothing beats the experience of seeing the beauty of the Chesapeake firsthand, we’ve created 14 virtual river tours along the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail (Chesapeake Trail). Similar to Google Street View, the virtual tours can help you plan your next adventure. Take a virtual tour, scope out the access site you plan to use or just soak in the beauty from your screen with the perspective of a paddler.

We are grateful for our partnerships with explore.org, the Crazy Osprey Family, Corporate Office Properties Trust and the owner of the great blue heron rookery for the generosity that makes these webcams possible. Millions of viewers from all over the world watched the cams in 2023.

Chesapeake Conversations Podcast
Tune in to Chesapeake Conservancy’s podcast, Chesapeake Conversations, hosted by Joel Dunn. Cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay is one of the largest and longest-running ecosystem restoration efforts in the world. Over the last 50 years, billions of dollars have been invested to restore the Bay, and the world is watching to see how the Chesapeake responds. Chesapeake Conversations takes an in-depth look at what’s working for the Chesapeake and what’s not, and features interviews with a diverse group of conservation leaders.
Chesapeake Conversations is produced by Platform Media, LLC, with music by Scott McDaniel from Wild Echo Media. Special thanks to our partners and donors who make our work possible. Find us on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you download your podcasts.

Champions of the Chesapeake
Since 2014, Chesapeake Conservancy’s annual Champions of the Chesapeake awards have recognized individuals and organizations from across the region for exemplary leadership and dedication to protecting and restoring the Chesapeake’s natural systems and cultural resources.
In 2023, Chesapeake Conservancy proudly presented the Champions of the Chesapeake awards to Nethra Purushothaman and James and Sylvia Earl.

James and Sylvia Earl are long-time supporters of Chesapeake Conservancy. Their decision to leave a lasting legacy by providing a workspace for local conservation nonprofits will profoundly affect Chesapeake Conservation for generations to come. As Chesapeake Conservancy knows, one of the most difficult challenges nonprofits face is fundraising for overhead costs, such as rent. By enabling the Conservancy to acquire its own building, the Earl family gift will relieve several local nonprofits of that burden, as well as provide space for collaboration and sharing resources. Chesapeake Conservancy is forever grateful for their support of our important work.
James and Sylvia Earl

A small group of Girl Scouts, led by 14-year-old Nethra Purushothaman, challenged the Girl Scouts National Capital Council on their plans to sell hundreds of acres of forested habitat in Prince George’s County, Maryland, for development. Nethra and her friends stood up for East Marlton Forest. With some mentoring from Chesapeake Conservancy and Sierra Club of Maryland, it appears these big little heroes were victorious, and most of the land will become part of the Charles Branch Stream Valley Park.
Nethra Purushothaman
Financial Report
October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2023
Here’s how your investment in our work was spent.
For more detailed information on our financials and governance, visit our website.

Our sincere appreciation to the individual, foundation and corporate donors who have made our work possible. We truly appreciate your generosity.
Carol Angle
Bunting Family Foundation
Mary and Charles Dankmeyer
David Earl
Jim and Sylvia Earl
Jimmy Earl
Matthew Earl and Diane McBee
John G. and Jean R. Gosnell Foundation, Inc.
Grayce B. Kerr Fund, Inc.
Hamer Foundation
Randy Kell
Kathleen Krampf
Randall Larrimore
Mary Catherine Bunting Foundation
Mt. Cuba Center
Shared Earth Foundation
TeraWulf Charitable Foundation
The Keith Campbell Foundation for the Environment
Chesapeake Bay Trust
Merrill Family Foundation
1994 Charles B. Degenstein Foundation
Franklin P. and Arthur W. Perdue Foundation, Inc.
Robert W. Wilson Charitable Trust
Roemer Foundation
Leslie Delagran
Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds
Ed Hatcher and Angie Cannon
Stephanie Meeks
Barbara Moulton
David Moulton
Linda Teare
Virginia Outdoors Foundation
Virginia S. Warner Foundation
Anonymous (3)
Ad Hoc, LLC
Peter and Jeannine Alexandro
Keith Andrews
Curtis and Barbara Backus
Bancroft Foundation
Barbara Bass
Scott Beatty
Beveridge & Diamond, P.C.
Don and Vicky Birch
Blackwater Conservation Association
James and Marcia Borel
Marc Bunting
Margaret Bursaw
Bradley and Kathryn Callahan
Stephen and Jane Coley
Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County
Dawn Cooke
Kevin and Katie Cooke
Corrigan Sports Enterprises
Leslie Cronin
Kristyn Kuhn Eckel
Elinor Farquhar
Paul Ferraro
Sanford and Susan Fitch
Robert and Janellen Frantz
Richard L. Franyo
Marc and Patti Grimes
Thomas and Loretta Guise
Paul Hagen, Esq.
James and Victoria Handa
John and Gail Hanson
Elizabeth G. Johnson
Jay and Tara Joseph
Kerry Kaufmann
Peter and Linda Krivkovich
Land Trust Alliance
Judy Larrimore
Rick Lincicome
Ann Lingo
Robert and Connie Loarie
Frederick and Allison Lohr
M&T Bank
Suzanne Macdonald
Mariposa Fund
Pamela Marks and Michael Mininsohn
Carolyn Marshall
Joseph McCauley
Patrick McGeehin
John Neely
John O'Connor
Anna and Leonard Pfeiffer
John and Patricia Potvin
Edward Quinn
John and Barbara Reynolds
Bill and Donna Roberts
Jeffrey Sabot
Bill and Wendy Schickler
Richard Scobey and Bruce Ragsdale
Shore United Bank
Marc Siegel
Daniel Sipko
Sisco Associates
The Quisel Snyder Family
Charles Stek
The J.M. Kaplan Fund
Sally Tieke
Richard Tull
United States Yacht Shows, Inc
VFW E.E.Streets Memorial Post 5118
Virginia Environmental Endowment
Weis Markets
Alice and Hill Wellford
Ziger Snead Architects, LLP
Virginia United Land Trusts (VaULT)
Anonymous (2)
Jeannine Alexandro
Becky Anderson
Joy and Michael Avery
Martin Baron
Christine Berger
Ann Bissell
Jim and Shirley Blackwell
David Castro
Cho-Packer Giving Fund
Tara Clifford
Gretchen Coffey
Charlie Conklin
Miles Cooper
Jody Couser
Cheri Curley and Mike Ingle
Sally F. Davidson
Brian Devincentis
District Concrete, LLC
Frederick Galloway
Billy and Cynthia Garrett
Teena Gorrow
Crista Hajiantoni
David Hilgers
Joe and Martha Janney
T. Destry Jarvis
Richard P. and Katharine Rice Junker
Chris and Steve Killian
Dale and Patricia Larrimore
Ned and Rebecca Lawson
Thornton Matheson
Niecy McCaskill
Allison McMillan
Brian and Janalee Melikian
Michael Moorman
Schuyler and Liza Morehouse
Nanticoke River Watershed Conservancy, Inc
Joel and Thonya Nelson
Lloyd Oliver
David Padavana
Ann Powers
Robert Proutt
Josh Rawitch
Bonita Rohrer
Gail Ross
John and Ellen Rowlson-Hall
Stephanie Short
Nick and Annie Shreiber
Doug and Lynn Smarte
Jim and Amy Stolarski
Amy Stump
Eric Tazelaar
John and Kimberly Thacker
Lorie Tudor
Tracye Turner
Les Vinney
Louise Wagner
Harrison Wellford
Bryan Ashby
Justin Bent
Edwin Bernbaum
Murray Berstein
Cheryl Bishop
Martha Blaxall
Susan Borschel
Elizabeth Buck
John and Linda Buyaskas
Walter & Suzanne Cochran-Bond
Tom Colberg
Carly Dean
John and Mary Dean
John Detweiler
Mary Clare Duffy
Elizabeth Edmunds
Dorry Emmer
John Etgen
Peg Ewing
Zachary Fair
Kathy Felmey
Howard Freedlander
Garden Club of Twenty, Inc.
Ellen Gardner
Kyle P. German
Jennifer and Parris Glendening
Karen Green
Bill and Ilene Hafker
Maria Heyssel
Connie Jack
Cacky Janssens
Steven Jawetz
Jim Levitt
Steve and Ann Lindblom
Joseph and Anne Maroon
Richard Mendenhall
Mark and Magda Westerhout Mobley
Keith O'Connor
Octoraro Native Plant Nursery
Dennis Otsuji
Anthony Pappas
Margaret and Reed Perry
Ellen Quinn
Mike and Alice Reid
Hobart Rogers
Kurt Schmoke
Michele Schoonmaker
Lisa and John Sherwood
Jimmy Slaughter
Robert Smith
Virginia Smith
Marc Sonnenfeld
Tony Spencer
Rick and Jill Springer
Daniel Stack
Duane Swager
Alex Thibau
Janelle Thibau
Duane Thompson
Gordon and Christine Trapnell
Carl and Carol Van Wyk
Marcia L. Verploegen
Stafford and Sue Warren
Bill and Joan Woodward
C.D. Wrestler
Mark Young and Rachel Carren
Anonymous (3)
Dan Ahearn
Laura Alexandro
Nick Alexandro
Scott and Kathy Allan
Barbara Anderson
Mitch and Lori Arden
Patrick Armstrong
Michelle Atkins
George Badenoch
Nicole Barbeau
Betsy Barrett
Daniel Barrett
Maureen Barrett
Kathleen Barron
Susan Barron
Susan Benac
Gray Benoist
Erin Benz
Brynne Anne Besio
Paul Bollinger
Kayle Borenstein
David and Suzanne Boyd
Richard and Margaret Boyd
Robert Bresnahan
Melanie Lynn Brevis
Carl Brooks
Deborah Brown
Sandy Brown
Sharon Brown
Warren Brown
William and Mary Butler
David Byrd
Carter-Minnemeyer Family
Bill and Missy Cassidy
David and Anna Castle
Marvin Center
Steven Chad
James Collins
Ian and Melissa Conner
Mark Conway
Warren and Claire Cox
Mary Ann Cronin
CustomInk, LLC
Kristine Damico
Lawrence Daniels
Charlotte Dean
Gary Deems
Paula A. Degen
Lorraine Desalvo
Jonathan Doherty
Diane Donato
Thomas Earnshaw
Jo and Bob Etter
June Evans
Michael Fagan
Ricki Fairley
Jason Farman
Amanda Firestone
Marianne Follingstad
Jean Fraser
Ellen Fried
Bob Friend
From God's Blessings - We Share
Laurie Fulk
Tony Fulkerson
Sarah Gallen
Garden Club of Rock Hall, Inc
Linda Gaydos
April Gibson
Gerard Glaser
Michael Goralski
Bill Gourgey
David Griffith
Sharon Gustin
John and Patricia Haldeman
Julia B. Hale
Kerry Halloran
Neal and Linda Halsey
Chris and Meg Hankin
Will Hanley
Barbara Hannula
William Harris
Thomas Hartenstine
Kendall Hartman
Christine Hayes
Susan Headden
Robert Hector, III
Carolyn Hill
Claudia Hill
John Holland
Jonathan Hudson
Paul Janes
Gary and Mollie Jewell
Patricia Jonas
Patricia Jones
Sarah Killian
Betsy Kirkpatrick-Howat
Theodore and Lillian Koons
Becki Kurdle
Bill and Leslie Lahneman
Sue LaRue
Charles Leaver
Steve Lewis
Vincent Lewis
Michelle Madden
Mike and Teri Magnotta
Larry Malone
Mary Matzen
Tony Maupin
Kara McGuirk-Allison
Ed and Sherry McMahon
Ann Mech
Amy Meyer
Cyndy Miller
Jerry Mitchell
Ray and Merry Morgan
Mary Much
Paula Mumford
Mary Margaret Nousek
James Olson
Ronald Ory
Kent and Phoebe Palcanis
Dominic Pandolfino
Laura Pappas
Mamie Parker
Wayne Pavalko
Ethan Peck
Andrea Penaloza
Matthew Provost
Russ and Beckie Ray
Donald and Lucy Reithlingshoefer
Michael Reynolds
V.B. "Tack" Richardson, III
Nancy Riess
Theresa Robinson
Lynne Rockenbauch
Phil Roof
Barbara Rooney
Dorothy Rosenthal
Kathy Roush
Sandra Ruble
Ahni Sallaway
Vincent Sansone
Joseph Savage
Tia Scagliarini
Jeremy Schneider
Joann Sherrer-Fornoff
Bob and Jenny Shields
Patricia Stallings
Sarah Stolte
Linda Tatro
William Theodore
Eric Thomas
Lawrence Thompson
Laura Thorpe
Carol Urbanski
Alexandra Valsamakis
Amy Vaughn
Carol Wald
Robert Waldman
Andrew Waldron
Susan Wallace
Stephen Ward
Waterford Press
Kenneth Weems
Jason Weisberg
Jay and Kim Weitzel
Alan and Day Weitzman
Michael Westfall
Ann and Bob Whitcomb
Sharee Williamson
Dave Wilson, Jr.
Barbara L. Winner
David Wye
Anonymous (6)
Josh Adlin
Lynn Alcock
Allison Anderson
Will and Sharon Andrews
Donna Angell
Stephan Armstrong
Margaret Atterbury
Clinton W Aylward
Kenneth and Connie Baker
Aaron Baldwin
Don Barry
Gregory Bassen
Christian Beaucage
Bonnie Becker
Denise Bettinger
Gordon Binder and Michael Rawson
Lauren Bittle
Stephanie Blaher
Richard Blank
Alan Blount
Deborah Borza
Jessie Bourke
Peter Bouxsein
Georgia Bowe
Serena Boyd
Matthew Brady
Heather Brandon-Smith
Connie Briggs
Warren Brockett
Childlene Brooks
Adam Brown
Andrew Buecking
Holly Burrows
William and Helga Butler
Sue Buyaskas
Charlie Camp
Douglas Campbell
Brian Canavan
S. Cariaso
Troy Chartier
Lawrence Civale
Amy Clark
Jerry Conner
Brienne Coughlin
James and Lise Crafton
James Crockett
Jocelyn Daniels
Patricia Davis
Ronald and Loretta Davis
Daren Dean
Margaret Denton
Tim and Susan Derum
John Dodd
Alexis Dorsey
Corinne Driscoll
Joyce Duffy-Bilanow
Mary Dunleavy
Cody Dykstra
Kathy Eichelberger
Terry Eliason
Eva Elmore
William Engert
Janet Evans
David Farman
Daryl Faustini
Karen Fedorov
Michael Feldtmose
Gordon Felt
Teresa Fendley
Larry Ferguson
Ben Fish
Cecilia Flores
Kimberley Flounders
Gregory Foley
Melissa Fortunato
Sarah Franey
Roger and Cheri Friedman
VA Gatch
Adrienne Gemberling
Suzie Gennaro
Thomas Gevas
Donald Gilbert
Jessica Gilbert
Amy Glassberg
Heather Gomes
Bryan Good
Gail Gormley
John Griffin
Stephen Griffith
Bernita Gross
Susan Gunning
Debra Hall
Robbie Hannula
Robert R Hardiman
Anne Harrington
Kathleen Harvey
Carol and Woody Hearn
Joshua Heller
Eloise Hendrixson
Pierre and Danalee Henkart
Stephanie Henriquez
Ryan Hill
Alex Hirtle
Tom Hochwarth
Mary Holthaus
Jock and Penny Hopkins
Carole Hoppy
Rochelle House
Renee Hudson
Cynthia Hull
Jacqueline Iannuzzi
Mike Iserman
Sallie Jackson
Bob and Marie Jefferson
Edward Joshua, III
Rick Kappelmann
Louis Keddell
Sally Kidd
Meghan Kill
Vicki Killian
Sue King
Barbara Kingsford
Geoffrey Kiorpes
Miles Kiorpes
Suzanne Kiorpes
John P. Knud-Hansen
James Kosmides
Patty Kosmides
Denise Kossuth
Steve Kover
Alex Kunz
Elliott Kurtz
Peter Lacerenza
Emilie Lahneman
Richard and Janet Lane
Cynthia Langhirt
Susan Langley
Jeff Lankford
Kyle Leadmon
Phillip Lewis
Melanie Maholick
Sue Mangan
James Mangle
Chandler May
Jeffrey Mazique
Joanne McMahon
Micron Technology
Cicely Muldoon
Kit Muller
Daniel Musiker
Kathy Nash
Tara Neider
Colin Nevins
Pamela Newcomb
Patrick O'Boyle
Joanna Ogburn
Kathy and John O'Rourke
Theodore and Susan Orr
Mary Palmer
Laurel Parker
Joseph Parrino
Avelynn Pauley
Susan Perdue
Megan Perry
Dwight and Marilyn Phillips
Sue Phipps
Christine Pimblett
Terry Pinkston
Naomi Pollack
Daniel Pouliot
Madeleine Powers
Jo Ann Ptack
Dennis Raab, Sr.
Michael and Lisa Radin
Monita Reed
Ed Riehl
Brant Ringler
Judith Rockey
Steven Rockwood
Frank Rohrer
Shira Rosan
Paul Rosenfeld
Lauren Rosenthal
Douglas W. Sanford
Rachel Schiavone
Carol Schneider
Joane Schumacher
Jules Sebelin
Ross Sherrer
Pamela Sherwood
Douglas and Judy Shifflet
Richard Shrum
Helen Sieracki
Antonette Silvestri
Glenna Simmons
Jason Snyder
Paula Snyder
The Soobitsky's
Lisa Spallitta
Susan Stephenson
Maggy Sterner
Barbara Stewart
Jeff Stewart
Timothy Stinson
Eleanor Strietman
Dee DeeStrum
Mark Susinno and Roxanne Kamin
Fern Teichman-Hill
Laurie Thomas
Barbara Tofani
Anthony Trenkle
Tracy Trimper
Mark Turner
Lakisha Venzen-Hall
Nancy Walter
John Wataha
William Watt
Diana Weatherby
James Weiner
Stephanie Westgate
Cynthia Westlake
Mary Westlund
Patrick White
Lorraine Whiteley
Emily Wicks
Anne Williams
Charles D. Willingham
Tamra Willis
Gordon Witkin
Heather Worthley
Michael Wright
Nick Wright
Cynthia Yeatman
Jo Young
Dolores Ziegler
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay
Anne Arundel County (MD)
Bay Paddle
Blacks of the Chesapeake Foundation
Bureau of Land Management Eastern States
Center for Watershed Protection, Inc.
Charles County (MD)
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Chickahominy Tribe
Choose Clean Water Coalition
Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County
Corrigan Sports Enterprises
Department of Defense REPI Program
D.E. Shaw Renewable Investments (DESRI)
Environmental Protection Agency - Chesapeake Bay Program
Forever Maryland Foundation
Friends of the Rappahannock
George Washington's Mount Vernon
Gunpowder Valley Conservancy
Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology
Herbert, Rowland, & Grubic, Inc.
Indigenous Conservation Council of the Chesapeake Bay
James River Association
Jefferson County Parks & Recreation Commission
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Nansemond Indian Nation
Nanticoke River Watershed Conservancy, Inc
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
National Historic Trail
Nature Serve
NPS -Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail
NPS -Chesapeake Gateways
NPS -Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park
Oyster Recovery Partnership
Partners for Open Space
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Piedmont Environmental Council
Potomac Conservancy
Rappahannock-Rapidan Regional Commission
Rappahannock Tribe
Richard King Mellon Foundation
Severn River Association
Susquehanna University
The Conservation Fund
US Department of Agriculture
US Fish and Wildlife Service
US Forest Service
US Geological Survey
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Virginia Forever
Virginia's United Land Trusts
West Virginia Land Trust
West Virginia Outdoor Heritage Fund
Wildlife Management Institute
Barbara Anderson
Thad and Renee Bench
Anna Capetanakis
Janice Davis
Melissa Ehrenreich
Matthew Hunley
Anthony Ostuni
Simone Parrish
Sara Ramotnik
Mary Wigginton
B. Willow
Bay Ridge Wine and Spirits
Beacon Waterfront
Thad and Renee Bench
Susan Berning
Beveridge & Diamond
Hogan Lovells, LLC
Main & Market
MOM's Organic Market
Jack Naglieri and Kathleen Kryza
Sue Phipps
Silvana Recine
Marlene Shanley
Christine Trapnell
Hunt Ashby
Roxanne P. Barbeau
Jonathan Bernbaum
Joseph Burnett
Mildred Katherine Davidowicz
Christopher Thomas Fagan
Terry R Harris
Joanne & Lee Johnson
Bert Leitzel
John Maounis
Anne Maroon
Alvilidia McCaskill
Bruce McCurdy
Susan Garner Neely
Nancy R. Oliver
Senator Paul S. Sarbanes
Uncle John Schisler
William Schisler
Adam William Smith
Raymond and Rosie Spencer
Kathleen M. Taddei
Harry M Thorpe
Edward Scott Tieke
Senator John W. Warner
Rick and Marsha Amory
Audrey, the Best Osprey Mom Ever
Dirk and Ellen Brouwer
Jody Couser
Joel Dunn
Michael Geraghty and Diane Grady Miller
Bryan Kent Gomes
John Gunning
Hunter Hatch
Ed Hatcher
Randy Kell
Deborah C Kessler
Debby and Allan Kover
Randy Larrimore
Dave Lewis
Devin McMillan
Reed Perry
Travis Scagliarini
Rear Admiral Lorin C. Selby, US Navy
Richard B. Thompson
Tom and Audrey The Ospreys
Val Morin Cousins Summer Camp
Contact us
Chesapeake Conservancy is a nonprofit organization based in Annapolis, Maryland. We are conservation entrepreneurs. We believe that the Chesapeake is a national treasure that should be accessible for everyone and a place where wildlife can thrive. We use technology to enhance the pace and quality of conservation, and we help build parks, trails, and public access sites. Chesapeake Conservancy works in close partnership with the National Park Service, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management Eastern States, as well as other federal, state and local agencies, private foundations and corporations to advance conservation.
Earl Conservation Center
1212 West Street
Annapolis, MD 21401



Additional Photo Credits
Cover Image: Michael Weiss
Chair and the President: Jody Couser
Organizational Achievements: “Brown Pelican Rookery” Michael Weiss
Your Gift Today: “Kayaker” Yazan Hasan
Podcast: Mark Hamilton
Virtual Connections: “Peregrine Falcon” Peter Turcik
Champions of the Chesapeake: “Nethra Purushothaman” Courtesy Photo and “James and Sylvia Earl” Joel Dunn
Closing Photo Montage (clockwise): Stream Workers” Jody Couser, “Mallards” Jennifer Crews-Carey, “Chief Richardson, U.S.Senator Tim Kaine, Joel Dunn” Joel Dunn, “Kayakers” J.T. Dean, “Osprey” Jack Anderson, “Bay Bridge Run Press Conference” Jody Couser, “Great Blue Heron” Jennifer Crews-Carey and “Watermen” Sue Buyaskas